Dr. Angelica Cecilia

Dr. Angelica Cecilia

Current Positon
  • Deputy Head of Department Imaging Cluster (IPS)
  • Beamline Scientist of IMAGE beamline at IPS
  • Project responsible “Imaging Optics Refinanzierung“
  • Deputy for the project “Betrieb + Fertigstellung IPS-Strahlrohre”
Previous Positions
  • 1 January 2013 - 31 December 2014: Postdoctoral at KIT.
  • 1 January 2010 - 31 December 2012: PhD at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology) and at University of Freiburg. The title of the thesis is “Single Crystals for direct and indirect detectors”. The research activity is concentrated on the characterization and application of LSO:Tb single crystals for indirect detectors and of CdTe semiconductors for Medipix direct detection systems. The supervisors of the PhD are Prof. Dr M. Fiederle and Prof. Dr T. Baumbach.
  • 1 January 2007 - 31 December 2009: Employment at ISS (Institut für Synchrotronstrahlung) at FZK (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe). The scientific research was carried out in the frame of 2 projects concerning the development of new generation of direct and indirect 2D X-ray detectors at the ANKA synchrotron. The European SCINTAX project was coordinated by ANKA and it aimed at developing a digital X-ray detector with novel LSO based scintillators which radically improved the spatial resolution of the X-ray detection methods at synchrotron facilities. ANKA was also participating to the EDAS project coordinated by the University of Freiburg. That project was focused on the design and the evaluation of high-Z semiconductor GaAs pixel array detectors to extend the applicability of the photon counter pixel array detectors from 25 keV to 100 keV.
  • 4 October 2004 - 31 December 2006: 3 year contract in the Division “Technological Services” (Section Irradiation Technologies and Processes) of the Research Centre ENEA-Casaccia. The scientific activity was related to the characterization of materials exposed to γ radiation.
  • 3 September 2001 - 2 September 2004: 3 year research contract in the Division “Technological Services” (Section Irradiation Technologies and Processes) of the Research Centre ENEA-Casaccia.
  • November 2000 - June 2001: Teaching of Mathematics & Sciences in the Secondary Schools
  • June 1998 - June 2000: 2 year fellowship at INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) entitled “Characterisation of heavy scintillators used for High Energy Physics experiments” (tutor INFN: Dr S. Baccaro, ENEA/FIS/ION). The experimental activity was developed at the Laboratories of the 60Co radioisotope source “Calliope” (FIS/ION, Research Centre ENEA-Casaccia) in two phases. The 1st part of the activity was devoted to the optimisation of the optical, scintillation and radiation hardness properties of Lead Tungstate crystal, through crystal doping procedure with trivalent and pentavalent ions (La3+, Gd3+, Y3+ and Nb5+). The 2nd part of the fellowship concerned the study of new kind of scintillators based on phosphate and silicate glassy matrices and suitable for low energy physics experiments. Those glassy matrices were optically activated with Ce3+-Gd3+ and Tb3+-Gd3+ and an sensitisation mechanism was developed in phosphate glassy matrix through Ce3+-Gd3+ codoping.
  • 12 December 2012, PhD (Dr. rer. nat), University of Freiburg with the Note Magna cum Laude.
  • March 1999: Attendance to the INFN School “IX Days of Study on Detectors”, held at Villa Gualino (Turin, Italy).
  • September 1998: Attendance to the INFN School “XI National Seminary of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics”, held at Otranto (Lecce, Italy).
  • Academic Year 1997/98: Attendance to the “Course of Improvement in Physics”, held at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
  • June 1997 and November 1997: Scientific training at CERN (Geneva) under the supervision of Dr P. Lecoq and of Dr C. D’Ambrosio. The activity was concentrated on the effect of ionising radiation on PbWO4 crystal optical transmission and light production properties.
  • November 1996 - June 1998: Carrying out of scientific post-lauream activity at the Physics Department of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in the frame of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) experiment.
  • Master Degree of Physics obtained on October 25 (1996) with the mark 110/110 at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with a Thesis entitled "Radiation damage of Lead Tungstate crystals used for the detection of electromagnetic showers" (Prof. R. Santonico and Dr S. Baccaro). The experimental work was developed at the “Calliope” 60Co radioisototope source and at the nuclear reactors “Tapiro” and “Triga” (Research Centre ENEA-Casaccia)
Field of Research
  • X-ray imaging, Synchrotron beamline instrumentation, indirect and direct converting detectors



  1. Phase Retrieval in Propagation-based X-ray Imaging Beyond the Limits of Transport of Intensity and Contrast Transfer Function Approaches
    Farago, T.; Spiecker, R.; Hurst, M.; Zuber, M.; Cecilia, A.; Baumbach, T.
    2024. Optics Letters. doi:10.1364/OL.530330
  2. Medical Irradiation Studies at IBPT Accelerators
    Mayer, K.; Bründermann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Ferrari, A.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Schwarz, M.
    2024, May. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2024), Nashville, TN, USA, May 19–24, 2024
  3. Medical irradiation studies at IBPT acceleraters
    Mayer, K.; Schwarz, M.; Ferrari, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Börner, M.; Cecilia, A.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S.
    2024, March 21. 87. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie (SKM 2024), Berlin, Germany, March 17–22, 2024
  4. Medical irradiation studies at KIT accelerators
    Mayer, K.; Ferrari, A.; Cecilia, A.; Mueller, A.-S.; Bruendermann, E.; Nasse, M.; Stengl, C.; Seco, J.; Schwarz, M.
    2024. 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Nashville, Tennessee : May 19-24, 2024, Nashville, Tennessee, USA : proceedings. Ed.: F. Pilat, 3635–3638, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2024-THPR52
  5. Bamboo charcoal as electrode material for vanadium redox flow batteries
    Schilling, M.; Ershov, A.; Debastiani, R.; Duan, K.; Köble, K.; Scherer, S.; Lan, L.; Rampf, A.; Faragó, T.; Zuber, M.; Cecilia, A.; Liu, S.; Liu, C.; Baumbach, T.; Li, J.; Sui, P.-C.; Zeis, R.
    2024. Energy Advances, 3 (5), 997–1008. doi:10.1039/D4YA00166D
  6. Insights into the hydrogen evolution reaction in vanadium redox flow batteries: A synchrotron radiation based X-ray imaging study
    Köble, K.; Ershov, A.; Duan, K.; Schilling, M.; Rampf, A.; Cecilia, A.; Faragó, T.; Zuber, M.; Baumbach, T.; Zeis, R.
    2024. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 91, 132–144. doi:10.1016/j.jechem.2023.12.010
  7. Dose-efficient in vivo X-ray phase contrast imaging at micrometer resolution by Bragg magnifiers
    Spiecker, R.; Pfeiffer, P.; Biswal, A.; Shcherbinin, M.; Spiecker, M.; Hessdorfer, H.; Hurst, M.; Zharov, Y.; Bellucci, V.; Faragó, T.; Zuber, M.; Herz, A.; Cecilia, A.; Czyzycki, M.; Dias, C. S. B.; Novikov, D.; Krogmann, L.; Hamann, E.; van de Kamp, T.; Baumbach, T.
    2023. Optica, 10 (12), 1633. doi:10.1364/OPTICA.500978
  8. Electrospun composites of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate reinforced with conductive fillers for in vivo bone regeneration
    Surmenev, R. A.; Ivanov, A. N.; Cecilia, A.; Baumbach, T.; Chernozem, R. V.; Mathur, S.; Surmeneva, M. A.
    2022. Open Ceramics, 9, Article no: 100237. doi:10.1016/j.oceram.2022.100237
  9. Confocal fluorescence microscopy and confocal raman microspectroscopy of X-ray irradiated LIF crystals
    Bonfigli, F.; Botti, S.; Cecilia, A.; Montereali, R. M.; Nichelatti, E.; Nigro, V.; Piccinini, M.; Vincenti, M. A.
    2021. Condensed Matter, 6 (4), 37. doi:10.3390/condmat6040037
  10. Characterization of Structural Defects in (Cd,Zn)Te Crystals Grown by the Travelling Heater Method
    Zou, J.; Fauler, A.; Senchenkov, A. S.; Kolesnikov, N. N.; Kirste, L.; Kabukcuoglu, M. P.; Hamann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Fiederle, M.
    2021. Crystals, 11 (11), Article no: 1402. doi:10.3390/cryst11111402
  11. Capillarity and active cell movement at mesendoderm translocation in the Xenopus gastrula
    Nagel, M.; Barua, D.; Damm, E. W.; Kashef, J.; Hofmann, R.; Ershov, A.; Cecilia, A.; Moosmann, J.; Baumbach, T.; Winklbauer, R.
    2021. Development <Cambridge>, 148 (18), Article: dev198960. doi:10.1242/dev.198960
  12. Drought-Induced Xylem Embolism Limits the Recovery of Leaf Gas Exchange in Scots Pine
    Rehschuh, R.; Cecilia, A.; Zuber, M.; Faragó, T.; Baumbach, T.; Hartmann, H.; Jansen, S.; Mayr, S.; Ruehr, N.
    2020. Plant physiology, 184 (2), 852–864. doi:10.1104/pp.20.00407
  13. Novel multicomponent organic–inorganic WPI/gelatin/CaP hydrogel composites for bone tissue engineering
    Dziadek, M.; Kudlackova, R.; Zima, A.; Slosarczyk, A.; Ziabka, M.; Jelen, P.; Shkarina, S.; Cecilia, A.; Zuber, M.; Baumbach, T.; Surmeneva, M. A.; Surmenev, R. A.; Bacakova, L.; Cholewa-Kowalska, K.; Douglas, T. E. L.
    2019. Journal of biomedical materials research / A, 107 (11), 2479–2491. doi:10.1002/jbm.a.36754
  14. Piezoelectric 3-D Fibrous Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-Based Scaffolds Ultrasound-Mineralized with Calcium Carbonate for Bone Tissue Engineering: Inorganic Phase Formation, Osteoblast Cell Adhesion, and Proliferation
    Chernozem, R. V.; Surmeneva, M. A.; Shkarina, S. N.; Loza, K.; Epple, M.; Ulbricht, M.; Cecilia, A.; Krause, B.; Baumbach, T.; Abalymov, A. A.; Parakhonskiy, B. V.; Skirtach, A. G.; Surmenev, R. A.
    2019. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 11 (21), 19522–19533. doi:10.1021/acsami.9b04936
  15. In-Situ Ablation Experiments of Cork-based and Carbon Phenolic Thermal Protection Materials in an X-Ray Synchrotron Facility
    Sakraker, I.; Joshi, A.; Böhrk, H.; Haenschke, D.; Cecilia, A.
    2018. Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 25-29, 2018, 1–13, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2018-3588
  16. Zooming X-rays with a single rotation in X-ray prism zoom lenses (XPZL)
    Jark, W.; Opolka, A.; Cecilia, A.; Last, A.
    2019. Optics express, 27 (12), Art.-Nr.: 16781. doi:10.1364/OE.27.016781
  17. Quanfima: An open source Python package for automated fiber analysis of biomaterials
    Shkarin, R.; Shkarin, A.; Shkarina, S.; Cecilia, A.; Surmenev, R. A.; Surmeneva, M. A.; Weinhardt, V.; Baumbach, T.; Mikut, R.
    2019. PLOS ONE, 14 (4), e0215137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0215137
  18. Characterization of biomimetic silicate- and strontium-containing hydroxyapatite microparticles embedded in biodegradable electrospun polycaprolactone scaffolds for bone regeneration
    Surmenev, R. A.; Shkarina, S.; Syromotina, D. S.; Melnik, E. V.; Shkarin, R.; Selezneva, I. I.; Ermakov, A. M.; Ivlev, S. I.; Cecilia, A.; Weinhardt, V.; Baumbach, T.; Rijavec, T.; Lapanje, A.; Chaikina, M. V.; Surmeneva, M. A.
    2019. European polymer journal, 113, 67–77. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2019.01.042
  19. Recovery of Pinus sylvestris from severe drought: Impacts on leaf gas exchange and xylem embolisms
    Rehschuh, R.; Zuber, M.; Cecilia, A.; Faragó, T.; Baumbach, T.; Hartmann, H.; Jansen, S.; Mayr, S.; Ruehr, N.
    2018. European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2018), Vienna, Austria, April 8–13, 2018
  20. Effect of low-temperature plasma treatment of electrospun polycaprolactone fibrous scaffolds on calcium carbonate mineralisation
    Ivanova, A. A.; Syromotina, D. S.; Shkarina, S. N.; Shkarin, R.; Cecilia, A.; Weinhardt, V.; Baumbach, T.; Saveleva, M. S.; Gorin, D. A.; Douglas, T. E. L.; Parakhonskiy, B. V.; Skirtach, A. G.; Cools, P.; De Geyter, N.; Morent, R.; Oehr, C.; Surmeneva, M. A.; Surmenev, R. A.
    2018. RSC Advances, 8 (68), 39106–39114. doi:10.1039/c8ra07386d
  21. Status of the Ultra Fast Tomography Experiments Control at ANKA
    Haas, D.; Mexner, W.; Spangenberg, T.; Cecilia, A.; Vagovic, P.; Kopmann, A.; Balzer, M.; Vogelgesang, M.; Pasic, H.; Chilingaryan, S.
    2012. 9th International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC 2012), Kolkata, IND, December 4-7, 2012, 103–105, JACoW Publishing
  22. Optical Characterization of an X-ray Zoom Lens
    Kornemann, E.; Márkus, O.; Opolka, A.; Sawhney, K.; Cecilia, A.; Hurst, M.; Baumbach, T.; Last, A.; Mohr, J.
    2018. Microscopy and microanalysis, 24 (S2), 270–271. doi:10.1017/S1431927618013685
  23. Challenges of vacuum chambers with adjustable gap for superconducting undulators
    Boffo, C.; Gerhard, T.; Turenne, M.; Walter, W.; Casalbuoni, S.; Cecilia, A.; Gerstl, S.; Grau, A.; Holubek, T.; Meuter, C.; Jauregui, D. Saez de; Voutta, R.
    2017. Beam dynamics meets Vacuum, Collimations, and Surfaces, Karlsruhe, March 8-10, 2017
  24. Characterization and long term operation of a novel superconducting undulator with 15 mm period length in a synchrotron light source
    Casalbuoni, S.; Cecilia, A.; Gerstl, S.; Glamann, N.; Grau, A. W.; Holubek, T.; Meuter, C.; Saez De Jauregui, D.; Voutta, R.; Boffo, C.; Gerhard, T.; Turenne, M.; Walter, W.
    2016. Physical review accelerators and beams, 19 (11), Art. Nr.: 110702. doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.19.110702
  25. Silk scaffolds connected with different naturally occurring biomaterials for prostate cancer cell cultivation in 3D
    Bäcker, A.; Erhardt, O.; Wietbrock, L.; Schel, N.; Göppert, B.; Dirschka, M.; Abaffy, P.; Sollich, T.; Cecilia, A.; Gruhl, F. J.
    2017. Biopolymers, 107 (2), 70–79. doi:10.1002/bip.22993
  26. Overview of the superconducting undulator development program at ANKA
    Casalbuoni, S.; Cecilia, A.; Gerstl, S.; Glamann, N.; Grau, A.; Holubek, T.; Meuter, C.; Jauregui, D. Saez de; Voutta, R.; Boffo, C.; Gerhard, T.; Turenne, M.; Walter, W.
    2015. 12th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, SRI 2015, New York, NY, July 6 - 10, 2015, Article no 020002. doi:10.1063/1.4952781
  27. Single-distance phase retrieval algorithm for Bragg magnifier microscope
    Hrivňak, S.; Uličný, J.; Mikeš, L.; Cecilia, A.; Hamann, E.; Baumbach, T.; Švéda, L.; Zápražný, Z.; Korytár, D.; Gimenez-Navarro, E.; Wagner, U. H.; Rau, C.; Greven, H.; Vagovič, P.
    2016. Optics express, 24 (24), 27753–27762. doi:10.1364/OE.24.027753
  28. Optimizing structural and mechanical properties of cryogel scaffolds for use in prostate cancer cell culturing
    Cecilia, A.; Baecker, A.; Rack, A.; Hamann, E.; Kamp, T. van de; Gruhl, F. J.; Hofmann, R.; Moosmann, J.; Hahn, S.; Kashef, J.; Bauer, S.; Faragó, T.; Helfen, L.; Baumbach, T.
    2017. Materials science and engineering / C, 71, 465–472. doi:10.1016/j.msec.2016.10.038
  29. Recent developments on superconducting undulators at ANKA
    Casalbuoni, S.; Cecilia, A.; Gerstl, S.; Glamann, N.; Grau, A.; Holubek, T.; Meuter, C.; De Jauregui, D. S.; Voutta, R.; Boffo, C.; Gerhard, T.; Turenne, M.; Walter, W.
    2015. 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2015; Greater Richmond Convention Center403 North Third StreetRichmond; United States; 3 May 2015 through 8 May 2015, 2485–2488, JACoW Publishing
  30. Control system and smart camera with image based trigger for fast synchrotron applications
    Stevanovic, U.; Caselle, M.; Balzer, M.; Cecilia, A.; Chilingaryan, S.; Farago, T.; Gasilov, S.; Herth, A.; Kopmann, A.; Vogelgesang, M.; Weber, M.
    2014. 2014 19th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference (RT 2014), Nara, Japan, May 26 - 30, 2014, Art.Nr.:7097495, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/RTC.2014.7097495
  31. Broadband X-ray edge-enhancement imaging of a boron fibre on lithium fluoride thin film detector
    Nichelatti, E.; Bonfigli, F.; Vincenti, M. A.; Cecilia, A.; Vagovič, P.; Baumbach, T.; Montereali, R. M.
    2016. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / A, 833, 68–76. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2016.07.005
  32. Single-crystal sapphire microstructure for high-resolution synchrotron X-ray monochromators
    Asadchikov, V. E.; Butashin, A. V.; Buzmakov, A. V.; Deryabin, A. N.; Kanevsky, V. M.; Prokhorov, I. A.; Roshchin, B. S.; Volkov, Y. O.; Zolotov, D. A.; Jafari, A.; Alexeev, P.; Cecilia, A.; Baumbach, T.; Bessas, D.; Danilewsky, A. N.; Sergueev, I.; Wille, H.-C.; Hermann, R. P.
    2016. Crystal research and technology, 51 (4), 290–298. doi:10.1002/crat.201500343
  33. Performance of SCU15: The New Conduction-Cooled Superconducting Undulator for ANKA
    Boffo, C.; Gerhard, T.; Turenne, M.; Walter, W.; Casalbuoni, S.; Cecilia, A.; Gerstl, S.; Grau, A.; Holubek, T.; Meuter, C.; Saez De Jauregui, D.; Voutta, R.
    2016. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 26 (4), Art.Nr. 7422030. doi:10.1109/TASC.2016.2535861
  34. Superporous Poly(ethylene glycol) Diacrylate Cryogel with a Defined Elastic Modulus for Prostate Cancer Cell Research
    Göppert, B.; Sollich, T.; Abaffy, P.; Cecilia, A.; Heckmann, J.; Neeb, A.; Bäcker, A.; Baumbach, T.; Gruhl, F. J.; Cato, A. C. B.
    2016. Small, 12 (29), 3985–3994. doi:10.1002/smll.201600683
  35. Recent develoments on superconducting undulators at ANKA
    Casalbuoni, S.; Cecilia, A.; Gerstl, S.; Glamann, N.; Grau, A.; Holubek, T.; Meuter, C.; Jauregui, D. Saez de; Voutta, R.; Boffo, C.; Gerhard, T.; Turenne, M.; Walter, W.
    2015. 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 15) (2015), Richmond, VA, USA, May 3–8, 2015
  36. Overview of the superconducting undulator development program at ANKA
    Casalbuoni, S.; Cecilia, A.; Gerstl, S.; Glamann, N.; Grau, A.; Holubek, T.; Meuter, C.; Jauregui, D. Saez de; Voutta, R.; Boffo, C.; Gerhard, T.; Turenne, M.; Walter, W.
    2015. 12th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2015), New York, N.Y., July 6-10, 2015
  37. Performance of SCU 15. The new conduction-cooled superconducting undulator for ANKA
    Boffo, C.; Gerhard, T.; Turenne, M.; Walter, W.; Casalbuoni, S.; Cecilia, A.; Gerstl, S.; Grau, A.; Holubek, T.; Jauregui, D. Saez de; Voutta, R.
    2015. 24th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT 2015), Seoul, Korea, October 18-23, 2015
  38. Recent develoments on superconducting undulators at ANKA
    Casalbuoni, S.; Cecilia, A.; Gerstl, S.; Glamann, N.; Grau, A.; Holubek, T.; Meuter, C.; Jauregui, D. Saez de; Voutta, R.; Boffo, C.; Gerhard, T.; Turenne, M.; Walter, W.
    2015. 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 15), Richmond, Va., May 3-8, 2015, 2485–2488, JACoW Publishing
  39. Comparative thorax morphology of death-feigning flightless cryptorhynchine weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) based on 3D reconstructions
    Kamp, T. van de; Cecilia, A.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Vagovic, P.; Baumbach, T.; Riedel, A.
    2015. Arthropod Structure and Development, 44 (6), 509–523. doi:10.1016/j.asd.2015.07.004
  40. Performance of a Medipix3RX spectroscopic pixel detector with a high resistivity gallium arsenide sensor
    Hamann, E.; König, T.; Zuber, M.; Cecilia, A.; Tyazhev, A.; Tolbanov, O.; Procz, S.; Fauler, A.; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.
    2015. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 34 (3), 707–715. doi:10.1109/TMI.2014.2317314
  41. Investigation of GaAs:Cr Timepix assemblies under high flux irradiation
    Hamann, E.; König, T.; Zuber, M.; Cecilia, A.; Tyazhev, A.; Tolbanov, O.; Procz, S.; Fauler, A.; Fiederle, M.; Baumbach, T.
    2015. Journal of Instrumentation, 10 (1), C01047/1–9. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/10/01/C01047
  42. Laboratory-based multi-modal X-ray microscopy and micro-CT with Bragg magnifiers
    Vagovic, P.; Korytar, D.; Cecilia, A.; Hamann, E.; Baumbach, T.; Pelliccia, D.
    2015. Optics express, 23, 18391–18400. doi:10.1364/OE.23.018391
  43. A control system and streaming DAQ platform with image-based trigger for X-ray imaging
    Stevanovic, U.; Caselle, M.; Cecilia, A.; Chilingaryan, S.; Farago, T.; Gasilov, S.; Herth, A.; Kopmann, A.; Vogelgesang, M.; Balzer, M.; Baumbach, T.; Weber, M.
    2015. IEEE transactions on nuclear science, 62, 911–918. doi:10.1109/TNS.2015.2425911
  44. X-ray Bragg magnifier microscope as a linear shift invariant imaging system : image formation and phase retrieval
    Vagovič, P.; Švéda, L.; Cecilia, A.; Hamann, E.; Pelliccia, D.; Gimenez, E. N.; Korytár, D.; Pavlov, K. M.; Zápražný, Z.; Zuber, M.; Koenig, T.; Olbinado, M.; Yashiro, W.; Momose, A.; Fiederle, M.; Baumbach, T.
    2014. Optics express, 22 (18), 21508–21520. doi:10.1364/OE.22.021508
  45. Investigation of crystallographic and detection properties of CdTe at the ANKA synchrotron light source
    Cecilia, A.; Hamann, E.; Haas, C.; Greiffenberg, D.; Danilwesky, A.; Haenscke, D.; Fauler, A.; Zwerger, A.; Buth, G.; Vagovic, P.; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.
    2011. Journal of Instrumentation, 6, 10016. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/10/P10016
  46. Characterisation of LSO:Tb scintillator films for high resolution X-ray imaging applications
    Cecilia, A.; Rack, A.; Douissard, P. A.; Martin, T.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Vagovic, P.; Pelliccia, D.; Couchaud, M.; Dupre, K.; Baumbach, T.
    2011. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A / Supplement 1, 633, S292-S293. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.192
  47. Coherence preservation and beam flatness of a single-bounce multilayer monochromator (beamline ID19 - ESRF)
    Rack, A.; Weitkamp, T.; Zanette, I.; Morawe, C.; Vivo-Rommeveaux, A.; Tafforeau, P.; Cloetens, P.; Ziegler, E.; Rack, T.; Cecilia, A.; Vagovic, P.; Harmann, E.; Dietsch, R.; Riesemeier, H.
    2011. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 649, 123–127. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.11.069
  48. LPE grown LSO:Tb scintillator films for high-resolution X-ray imaging applications at synchrotron light sources
    Cecilia, A.; Rack, A.; Douissard, P. A.; Martin, T.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Vagovic, P.; Hamann, E.; Kamp, T. van de; Riedel, A.; Fiederle, M.; Baumbach, T.
    2011. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A / Supplement 1, 648, S321-S323. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.10.150
  49. In-line Bragg magnifier based on V-shaped germanium crystals
    Vagovic, P.; Korytar, D.; Mikulik, P.; Cecilia, A.; Ferrari, C.; Yang, Y.; Hänschke, D.; Hamann, E.; Pelliccia, D.; Lafford, T. A.; Fiederle, M.; Baumbach, T.
    2011. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 18, 753–760. doi:10.1107/S090904951102989X
  50. Characterization of photon counting pixel detectors based on semi-insulating GaAs sensor material
    Hamann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Zwerger, A.; Fauler, A.; Tolbanov, O.; Tyazhev, A.; Shelkov, G.; Graafsma, H.; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.
    2013. Journal of physics / Conference Series, 425 (Part 6), 062015/1–5. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/425/6/062015
  51. High-resolution high-efficiency X-ray imaging system based on the in-line Bragg magnifier and the Medipix detector
    Vagovic, P.; Korytar, D.; Cecilia, A.; Hamann, E.; Veda, L.; Pelliccia, D.; Härtwig, J.; Zapran, Z.; Oberta, P.; Dolbnya, I.; Shawney, K.; Fleschig, U.; Fiederle, M.; Baumbach, T.
    2013. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 20, 153–159. doi:10.1107/S0909049512044366
  52. Charge summing in spectroscopic X-ray detectors with high-Z sensors
    König, T.; Hamann, E.; Procz, S.; Ballabriga, R.; Cecilia, A.; Zuber, M.; Llopart, X.; Campbell, M.; Fauler, A.; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.
    2013. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 60, 4713–4718. doi:10.1109/TNS.2013.2286672
  53. In-line X-ray lensless imaging with lithium fluoride film detectors
    Bonfigli, F.; Cecilia, A.; Heidari Bateni, S.; Nichelatti, E.; Pelliccia, D.; Somma, F.; Vagovic, P.; Vincenti, M. A.; Baumbach, T.; Montereali, R. M.
    2013. Radiation Measurements, 56, 277–280. doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2013.03.001
  54. Potential use of V-channel Ge(220) monochromators in X-ray metrology and imaging
    Korytar, D.; Vagovic, P.; Vegsö, K.; Siffalovic, P.; Dobrocka, E.; Jark, W.; Ac, V.; Zaprazny, Z.; Ferrari, C.; Cecilia, A.; Hamann, E.; Mikulik, P.; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.; Jergel, M.
    2013. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 46, 945–952. doi:10.1107/S0021889813006122
  55. Characterization of a 2x3 timepix assembly with a 500μm thick silicon sensor
    Zuber, M.; Koenig, T.; Hamann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Fiederle, M.; Baumbach, T.
    2014. Journal of Instrumentation, 9, C05037/1–9. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/C05037
  56. How spectroscopic x-ray imaging benefits from inter-pixel communication
    Koenig, T.; Zuber, M.; Hamann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Ballabriga, R.; Campbell, M.; Ruat, M.; Tlustos, L.; Fauler, A.; Fiederle, M.; Baumbach, T.
    2014. Physics in medicine and biology, 59, 6195/1–19. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/59/20/6195
  57. Investigation of the luminescence, crystallographic and spatial resolution properties of LSO:Tb scintillating layers used for X-ray imaging applications
    Cecilia, A.; Jary, V.; Nikl, M.; Mihokova, E.; Hänschke, D.; Hamann, E.; Douissard, P. A.; Rack, A.; Martin, T.; Krause, B.; Grigorievc, D.; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.
    2014. Radiation Measurements, 62, 28–34. doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2013.12.005
  58. A fast embedded readout system for large-area Medipix and Timepix systems
    Brogna, A. S.; Balzer, M.; Smale, S.; Hartmann, J.; Bormann, D.; Hamann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Zuber, M.; Koenig, T.; Zwerger, A.; Weber, M.; Fiederle, M.; Baumbach, T.
    2014. Journal of Instrumentation, 9, C05047/1–9. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/C05047
  59. Optical characterisation of lithium fluoride detectors for broadband X-ray imaging
    Bateni, S. H.; Bonfigli, F.; Cecilia, A.; Baumbach, T.; Pelliccia, D.; Somma, F.; Vincenti, M. A.; Montereali, R. M.
    2013. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 720, 109–112. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2012.12.023
  60. Imaging properties of small-pixel spectroscopic x-ray detectors based on cadmium telluride sensors
    König, T.; Schulze, J.; Zuber, M.; Rink, K.; Butzer, J.; Hamann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Zwerger, A.; Fauler, A.; Fiederle, M.; Oelfke, U.
    2012. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57, 6743/6759. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/57/21/6743
  61. Synchrotron measurements of the energy response functions of CdTe Medipix2 MXR detectors with pixel pitches of 110 micrometer and 165 micrometer
    Zuber, M.; König, T.; Hamann, E.; Butzer, J.; Cecilia, A.; Oelfke, U.
    2012. Journal of Instrumentation, 7, C12018/1–5. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/7/12/C12018
  62. X-ray imaging proeprties of multi-chip Medipix2 MXR assemblies bondet to CdTe sensors at various ixel pitches
    König, T.; Butzer, J.; Cecilia, A.; Hamann, E.; Zwerger, A.; Fauler, A.; Schulze, J.; Oelfke, U.
    2012. 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symp.and Medical Imaging Conf. together with the Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (NSS/MIC/RTSD), Anaheim, Calif., October 29 - November 3, 2012
  63. Imaging with the Medipix scanner MARS at KIT
    Butzer, J.; Hamann, E.; Altapova, V.; Cheng, F.; Cecilia, A.; Kuchling, F.; Trimborn, B.; Butler, A.; Butler, P.; Fiederle, M.; Baumbach, T.
    2012. 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symp.and Medical Imaging Conf. together with the Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (NSS/MIC/RTSD), Anaheim, Calif., October 29 - November 3, 2012
  64. Characterization of GaAs for large area semiconductor pixel detectors
    Hamann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Tyazev, A.; Tolbanov, O.; Sheilkov, G.; Fauler, A.; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.
    2012. Workshop ’Sciences with Photons, Neutrons & Ions’, Berlin, March 22-23, 2012
  65. Flüssigphasenepitaxie von Tb:LSO-Szintillatorschichten
    Cecilia, A.; Wesemann, V.; Dupre, K.; Fiederle, M.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Baumbach, T.
    2012. Deutsche Kristallzüchtertagung, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung (DGKK), Freiberg,7.-9.März 2012
  66. High-speed x-ray imaging and image-based control at ANKA
    Santos Rolo, T. dos; Kamp, T. van de; Vogelgesang, M.; Chilingaryan, S.; Cecilia, A.; Vagovic, P.; Kopmann, A.; Baumbach, T.
    2012. Poster: 11th Internat.Conf.on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2012), Lyon, July 9-13, 2012, 11th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2012), Lyon, France, July 9–13, 2012
  67. Status of the ultra fast tomography experiments control at ANKA
    Haas, D.; Mexner, W.; Spangenberg, T.; Cecilia, A.; Kopmann, A.; Balzer, M.; Vogelgesang, M.; Pasic, H.; Chilingaryan, S.
    2012. 9th Internat.Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC-2012), Kolkata, IND, December 4-7, 2012
  68. A versatile indirect detector design for hard X-ray microimaging
    Douissard, P. A.; Cecilia, A.; Rochet, X.; Chapel, X.; Martin, T.; Kamp, T. van de; Helfen, L.; Baumbach, T.; Luquot, L.; Xiao, X.; Meinhardt, J.; Rack, A.
    2012. Journal of Instrumentation, 7, P09016/1–26. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/7/09/P09016
  69. Synchrotron measurements of the energy response functions of CdTe Medipix2 MXR detectors with pixel pitches of 110 micrometer and 165 micrometer
    Zuber, M.; König, T.; Hamann, E.; Butzer, J.; Cecilia, A.; Oelfke, U.
    2012. 14th Internat.Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (IWORID 2012), Figueira da Foz, P, July 1-5, 2012
  70. Towards improved single crystal film scintillators for X-ray imaging with submicrometer resolution
    Douissard, P. A.; Posterin, T.; Mathieu, E.; Rack, A.; Cecilia, A.; Zorenko, Y.
    2012. 14th Internat.Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (IWORID 2012), Figueira da Foz, P, July 1-5, 2012
  71. Confocal fluorescence microscopy for mapping of color centers in X-Ray irradiated lithium fluoride crystal and thin-film detectors
    Cecilia, A.; Bonfigli, F.; Vincenti, M. A.; Montereali, R. M.; Nichelatti, E.; Heidari Bateni, S.; Somma, F.; Baumbach, T.; Pelliccia, D.
    2012. 14th Italian National Conference of Photonic Technologies (Fotonica 2012), Firenze, I, May 15-17, 2012
  72. Characterization of photon counting pixel detectors based on high resistivity Sl-GaAs sensor material
    Hamann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Fauler, A.; Zwerger, A.; Tyazev, A.; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.
    2012. 11th Internat.Conf.on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2012), Lyon, July 9-13, 2012
  73. X-ray phase-contrast radiography using a filtered white beam with a grating interferometer
    Altapova, V.; Butzer, J.; Rolo, T. d. S.; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.; Moosmann, J.; Kenntner, J.; Mohr, J.; Pelliccia, D.; Pichugin, V. F.; Baumbach, T.
    2011. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 648 (1), 42–45. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2010.12.218
  74. Phase-contrast imaging using hard X-ray grating interferometer
    Altapova, V.; Butzer, J.; Rolo, T. d. S.; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.; Moosmann, J.; Reznikova, E.; Kenntner, J.; Pelliccia, D.; Baumbach, T.
    2010. 18th Internat.Synchrotron Radiation Conf. (SR-2010), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 19-22, 2010
  75. Investigations of the high flux behavior of CdTe-Medipix2 assemblies at the synchrotron ANKA
    Greiffenberg, D.; Cecilia, A.; Zwerger, A.; Fauler, A.; Vagovic, P.; Butzer, J.; Hamann, E.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.
    2011. Ziock, K. [Hrsg.] IEEE Nuclear Science Symp. (NSS 2010) and Medical Imaging Conf. (MIC 2010), Knoxville, Tenn., October 30 - November 5, 2010 Proc.on DVD-ROM Piscataway, N.J. : IEEE, 2011, 3689–3693
  76. Application of Medipix2 single photon detectors at the ANKA synchrotron facility
    Hamann, E.; Cecilia, A.; Vagovic, P.; Hänschke, D.; Butzer, J.; Greiffenberg, D.; Fauler, A.; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.
    2011. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium conference record (NSS/MIC), 2010 : [including] the 2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference, and the 17th International Workshop on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors (RTSD) ; Oct. 30, 2010 - Nov. 6, 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee. Ed.: K. Ziock, 3860–3863, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2010.5874536
  77. A novel epitaxially grown LSO-based thin-film scintillator for micro-imaging using hard synchrotron radiation
    Douissard, P. A.; Cecilia, A.; Martin, T.; Chevalier, V.; Chouchaud, M.; Baumbach, T.; Dupre, K.; Kühbacher, M.; Rack, A.
    2010. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 17, 571–583. doi:10.1107/S0909049510025938
  78. Dislocation generation related to micro-cracks in Si wafers: High temperature in-situ study with white beam X-ray topography
    Danilewsky, A. N.; Wittge, J.; Hess, A.; Cröll, A.; Allen, D.; McNally, P. J.; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.; Li, Z.; Baumbach, T.; Gorostegui-Colinas, E.; Elizalde, M.
    2010. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 268, 399–402. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2009.09.013
  79. On the possibilities of hard X-ray imaging with high spatio-temporal resolution using polychromatic synchrotron radiation
    Rack, A.; Garcia-Moreno, F.; Schmitt, C.; Betz, O.; Cecilia, A.; Ershov, A.; Rack, T.; Banhart, J.; Zabler, S.
    2010. Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 18, 429–441. doi:10.3233/XST20100273
  80. Grating interferometer based phase-contrast imaging as an application to the dynamic processes study
    Altapova, V.; Zienicke, B.; Butzer, J.; Rolo, T. d. S.; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.; Moosman, J.; Ershov, A.; Reznikova, E.; Kenntner, J.; Mohr, J.; Lamparter, T.; Baumbach, T.
    2010. 10th Biennial Conf.,on High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging (XTOP 2010), Warwick, GB, September 20-23, 2010
  81. Phase-contrast imaging using hard X-ray grating interferometer
    Altapova, V.; Butzer, J.; Rolo, T. d. S.; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.; Moosmann, J.; Reznikova, E.; Kenntner, J.; Mohr, J.; Pelliccia, D.; Baumbach, T.
    2010. Internat.Conference on Imaging Techniques in Subatomic Physics, Astrophysics, Medicine, Biology and Industry (Imaging 2010), Stockholm, S, June 8-11, 2010
  82. Charakterisierung von definiert erzeugten Defekten in Silicium Wafern
    Wittge, J.; Danilewsky, A. N.; Hess, A.; Cröll, A.; Allen, D.; McNally, P. J.; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.; Li, Z. W.; Baumbach, T.; Gorostegui-Colinas, E.; Elizalde, M. R.
    2009. Deutsche Kristallzüchtertagung, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung (DGKK), Dresden, 4.-6.März 2009
  83. Röntgentopographie an großen Si-Wafern
    Hess, A.; Danilewsky, A. N.; Wittge, J.; Cröll, A.; Li, Z. J.; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Baumbach, T.; Allen, D.; McNally, P. J.
    2009. Deutsche Kristallzüchtertagung, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung (DGKK), Dresden, 4.-6.März 2009
  84. X-ray imaging detector with submicrometer resolution based on novel LSO: Tb thin film scintillator
    Douissard, P. A.; Martin, T.; Rack, A.; Couchaud, M.; Cecilia, A.; Baumbach, T.
    2009. 1st EIROforum School on Instrumentation, CERN, Geneve, CH, May 11-15, 2009
  85. Dislocation generation related to microcrakcs in Si-wafers: High temperature in-situ study with white beam X-ray topography
    Danilewsky, A. N.; Wittge, J.; Hess, A.; Cröll, A.; Allen, D.; McNally, P. J.; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.; Li, Z.; Baumbach, T.; Gorostegui-Colinas, E.; Elizalde, M.
    2009. European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, F, May 8-12, 2009
  86. In-situ observation of dislocations in Si at high temperatures wiht white beam X-ray topography
    Danilewsky, A. N.; Wittge, J.; Hess, A.; Cröll, A.; Allen, D.; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.; Li, Z. J.; Baumbach, T.; Gorostegui-Colinas, E.; Elizalde, M.
    2009. 17. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK), Hannover, 9.-12.März 2009
  87. Investigation of Si wafer damage in manufacturing processes
    Wittge, J.; Danilewski, A. N.; Hess, A.; Cröll, A.; Allen, D.; McNally, P. J.; Vagovic, P.; Dos Santos, R. T.; Cecilia, A.; Li, Z.; Baumbach, T.; Garagorri, J.; Gorostegui-Colinas, E.; Elizalde, M. R.; Jacques, D.; Fossati, M.; Bowen, K.; Tanner, B.
    2009. 1st ANKA/KNMF Joint Users Meeting, Karlsruhe, October 8-9, 2009
  88. Studies of LSO: Tb radio-luminescence properties using white beam hard X-ray synchrotron irradiation
    Cecilia, A.; Rack, A.; Pelliccia, D.; Douissard, P. A.; Martin, T.; Couchaud, M.; Dupre, K.; Baumbach, T.
    2009. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 164, 517–22. doi:10.1080/10420150903092256
  89. LSO-based single crystal film scintillator for synchrotron-based hard X-ray micro-imaging
    Martin, T.; Douissard, P. A.; Couchaud, M.; Cecilia, A.; Baumbach, T.; Dupre, K.; Rack, A.
    2009. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 56, 1412–18. doi:10.1109/TNS.2009.2015878
  90. The micro-imaging station of the TopoTomo beamline at the ANKA synchrotron light source
    Rack, A.; Weitkamp, T.; Bauer Trabelsi, S.; Modregger, P.; Cecilia, A.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Rack, T.; Haas, D.; Simon, R.; Heldele, R.; Schulz, M.; Mayzel, B.; Danilewsky, A. N.; Waterstradt, T.; Diete, W.; Riesemeier, H.; Müller, B. R.; Baumbach, T.
    2009. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 267, 1978–88. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2009.04.002
  91. Investigation of Si wafer damage in manufacturing processes (SIDAM) by white beam topography (SXRT)
    Wittge, J.; Danilewsky, A.; Hess, A.; Cröll, A.; Allen, D.; McNally, P.; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.; Li, Z. J.; Baumbach, T.; Gorostegui-Colinas, E.; Elizalde, M. R.
    2009. ANKA - Annual Report 2009 Karlsruhe : Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Also publ.online, 122–23
  92. X-ray imaging at ANKA
    Pelliccia, D.; Vagovic, P.; Helfen, L.; Cecilia, A.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Ershov, A.; Li, Z.; Xu, F.; Altapova, V.; Hänschke, D.; Hofmann, R.; Moosman, J.; Baumbach, T.
    2009. ANKA - Annual Report 2009 Karlsruhe : Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Also publ.online, 35–42
  93. Application of X-ray imaging techniques for studying the morphology of malaria mosquitoes
    Wegrzynek, D.; Chinea-Cano, E.; Markowicz, A.; Wobrauschek, P.; Streli, C.; Rack, A.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Vagovic, P.; Cecilia, A.
    2008. ANKA - Annual report 2008 Karlsruhe : Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
  94. X-ray imaging at ANKA
    Pelliccia, D.; Rack, A.; Bauer, S.; Cecilia, A.; Helfen, L.; Tao, L.; Vagovic, P.; Xu, F.; ZhiJuan, L.; Minekvich, A.; Huber, I.; Fohtung, E.; Rolo, T.; Ershov, A.; Baumbach, T.
    2008. ANKA - Annual report 2008 Karlsruhe : Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
  95. White-light X-ray inline phase tomography and time-resolved microradiography at the ANKA synchrotron light source
    Weitkamp, T.; Rack, A.; Cecilia, A.; Wegrzynek, D.; Chinea-Cano, E.; Streli, C.; Wobrauschek, P.
    2007. 10th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (Euromat 2007), Nürnberg, September 10-13, 2007

Further Publications



  1. D Korytár, P Vagovič, K Végsö, P Šiffalovič, E Dobročka, W Jark, V Áč, Z Zápražný, C Ferrari, A Cecilia, E Hamann, Petr Mikulík, T Baumbach, M Fiederle, M Jergel, 2013/8/1, Journal of applied crystallography, 945-952, Potential use of V-channel Ge (220) monochromators in X-ray metrology and imaging.
  2. Cecilia A, Hamann E, Koenig T, Xu F, Chen Y, Helfen L, Ruat M, Scheel M, Zuber M, Baumbach T, Fauler A, Fiederle M, JINST, 8, C12029, 2013, High resolution 3D imaging of bump-bonds by means of synchrotron radiation computed laminography.
  3. A. Rack, A. Cecilia, P.-A. Douissard, K. Dupre, V. Wesemann, T. Baumbach, M. Couchaud, X. Rochet, M. Radtke, H. Riesemeier, T. Martin, Thin film based scintillators for hard X-ray microimaging detectors: the ScinTAX project, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9213, 921312 (2014).
  4. T. Rack, S. Zabler, A. Rack, M. Stiller, H. Riesemeier, A. Cecilia, K. Nelson, Coherent Synchrotron-Based Micro-Imaging Employed for Studies of Micro-Gap Formation in Dental Implants, AIP Conference Proceedings vol. 1365 (XRM2010), 445-448 (2011).
  5. A. Rack, M. Stiller, K. Nelson, C. Knabe, T. Rack, S. Zabler, O. Dalügge, H. Riesemeier, A. Cecilia, J. Goebbels, Ex vivo and in vitro synchrotron-based micro-imaging of biocompatible materials applied in dental surgery, Proc. SPIE Vol. 7804, 78040E (2010).
  6. A. Cecilia, A. Rack, D. Pelliccia, P.-A. Douissard, T. Martin, M. Couchaud, K. Dupre, T. Baumbach
  7. Studies of LSO:Tb radio-luminescence properties using white beam hard X-ray synchrotron irradiation, Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids vol. 164 (9), p. 517–522 (2009).
  8. A. Rack, T. Weitkamp, S. Bauer Trabelsi, P. Modregger, A. Cecilia, T. dos Santos Rolo, T. Rack, D. Haas, R. Simon, R. Heldele, M. Schulz, B. Mayzel, A. N. Danilewsky, T. Waterstradt, W. Diete, H. Riesemeier, B. R. Müller, T. Baumbach, The micro-imaging station of the TopoTomo beamline at the ANKA synchrotron light source, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B vol. 267, issue 11, 1978-1988 (2009).
  9. T. Martin, P.-A. Douissard, M. Couchaud, A. Cecilia, T. Baumbach, K. Dupre, A. Rack, LSO-based single crystal film scintillator for synchrotron-based hard X-ray micro-imaging, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science vol. 56, no. 3, 1412-1418 (2009).
  10. D Greiffenberg, A Cecilia, A Zwerger, A Fauler, T dos Santos Rolo, D Pelliccia, P Vagovic, R Simon, T Baumbach, M Fiederle, 2008/10/19, 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, IEEE, 287-290, Characterization of Medipix2 assemblies with CdTe sensor using synchrotron radiation.
  11. D. Wegrzynek, E. Chinea-Cano, A. Markowicz, P. Wobrauschek, Ch. Streli, A. Rack, T. dos Santos Rolo, P. Vagovic, A. Cecilia, Application of X-ray imaging techniques for studying the morphology of malaria mosquitoes, ANKA Annual Report 2008, p. 192-193, CD-ROM.
  12. D. Pelliccia, A. Rack, S. Bauer, A. Cecilia, L. Helfen, L. Tao, P. Vagovic, F. Xu, L. ZhiJuan, A. Minkevich, I. Huber, E. Fohtung, T. Rolo, A. Ershov, T. Baumbach, X-ray IMAGING at ANKA
  13. ANKA Annual Report 2008, p. 27-33, CD-ROM.
  14. Gujie Qian, Jiafang Bei, M. Nikl, J. Pejchal, S. Baccaro, R. Giorgi, A. Cecilia, Guorong Chen “Temperature dependence of Photoluminescence from ZnO-Containing Glasses”, will be presented at International Symposium on Laser, Scintillator and Non-linear Optical Materials, June 27-30 2006, Prague.
  15. Jiafang Bei, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, Gujie Qian, Guorong Chen, “Irradiation resistance of ZnO-BaO-SiO2 scintillating glasses”, Temperature dependence of Photoluminescence from ZnO-Containing Glasses”, will be presented at International Symposium on Laser, Scintillator and Non-linear Optical Materials, June 27-30 2006, Prague.
  16. E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, J. Pejchal, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, K. Nejezchleb, A. Vedda, “Luminescence and scintillation properties of Y3Al5O12:Pr single crystal, it will be presented  at 10th Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (EURODIM) July 10-14 2006, Milano-Bicocca.
  17. 38) S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, A. Venezia, A. Fedorov, M.V. Korzhik, A. Barisevich, V. Domenev, “Radiation damage of REAlO3:Ce3+(RE=Y, Lu) scintillators under g and neutron irradiation”, NIMA 537 (2005), pp. 431-434.
  18. Guorong Chen, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, Shan Wang, Yunxia Yang, Jinhua Rao, Fang Xia, “Radiation induced transmission spectral variations of Ce3+-doped heavy germanate glasses”, NIMA 537 (2005), pp. 435-438.
  19. A. Cecilia et al., “Alanine and TLD coupled detectors for fast neutron dose measurements in Neutron Capture Thererapy (NCT)”, Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2004) Vol. 110, Nos 1-4, pp. 637-640.
  20. A. Cecilia et al., “REAlO3:Ce3+(RE=Y, Lu) scintillator radiation damage and spontaneous recovery after g  irradiation”, Proceedings of the 8th Conference “Astroparticle, Particle and Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Applications”, edited by M. Barone, E. Borchi, C. Leroy, P.G. Rancoita, P.L. Riboni, R. Ruchti, pp. 617-621.
  21. A. Cecilia, S. Baccaro, A. Piegari, I. Di Sarcina, “Optical coatings behaviour under (  irradiation for space applications”, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5494, p. 529-535.
  22. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, K. Nejezchleb, K. Blazek, “Influence of Si-Codoping on YAG:Ce Scintillation Characteristics”, Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on
  23. Volume 52,  Issue 4,  Aug. 2005 Page(s):1105-1108.
  24. S. Baccaro, A. Piegari, I. Di Sarcina, A. Cecilia, “Effect of  Irradiation on Optical Components”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science Volume 52,  Issue 5,  Part 3,  Oct. 2005 Page(s): 1779-1784.
  25. A. Cecilia, S. Baccaro, G. Chen, X. Fang, Z. Donghui, Z. Junbiao, Y. Yunxia, “Irradiation Effects on Glasses Containing ZnO as Emission Centers” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear  Science Volume 52,  Issue 5,  Part 3,  Oct. 2005 Page(s):1792-1794.
  26. I. Di Sarcina, A. Piegari, A. Cecilia, “Behaviour of thin film materials under g irradiation for astronomical optics”, Proceedings of 9th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications   (Villa Olmo, Como 17-21 October 2005).
  27. E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, “Scintillator and phosphor materials: latest developments and applications”, Proceedings of 9th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications   (Villa Olmo, Como 17-21 October 2005).
  28. C. Zhu, Yuan, Y. Yang, G. Chen, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Falconieri, L. Seralessandri, M. Bellusci, G. Chen ”Photoluminescence and g-ray irradiation of SrO-B2O3-P2O5:Eu2+ and SrMoO4:Eu3+ phosphors”, Proceedings of 9th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications   (Villa Olmo, Como 17-21 October 2005).
  29. A. Cecilia, On behalf of CMS ECAL Collaboration, “SIC PbWO4 crystals for the electromagnetic calorimeter of CMS experiment”, Proceedings of 9th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications   (Villa Olmo, Como 17-21 October 2005).
  30. Yang Yunxia, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, Zhang Junbiao, Chen Guorong, Radiation induced transmission spectral variations of Ce3+-doped heavy germanate glasses, Nucl. Meth. in Phys. Res., A, 537(1-2),(2005): 435-438
  31. Guorong Chen, Yunxia Yang, Donghui Zhao, Fang Xia, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Nikl, Composition effects on optical properties of Tb3+-doped heavy germanate glasses, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2005, 88(2): 293-296
  32. G. Chen, S. Baccaro, M. Nikl, A. Cecilia, Y. Du, E. Mihokova, “The Red-Shift of ultraviolet spectra and the relation to optical basicity of Ce-doped Alkali Rare-Earth Phosphate glasses”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 87[7](2004) 1378-1380.
  33. L. Costa, V. Brunella, M.C. Paganini, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, “Radical formation induced by g radiation in poly (vinyl chloride) powder”, 2004, NIMB 215, pp 471-478.
  34. Chen Guorong, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, Wang Shan, Nie Jiaxiang, Zhang Yonghui, Du Yongjuan, “Photoluminescence properties of Tb3+-doped germanate scintillating glasses”, SPIE Vol. 5061 (2003) 227-231.
  35. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, G. Chen,  Y. Du, L. Nencini, S. Wang, “Optical transmittance and irradiation resistance of rare-earth (Ce3+, Tb3+, Pr3+) doped heavy germanate glasses”,  Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Vol. 158, pp. 451-456 (2003).
  36. 30) G. Chen, S. Wang, Y. Du, H. Wang, S. Baccaro, A. “Cecilia, Radiation hardness of Ce3+ doped heavy germanate glasses“, NIMB 201/3 475-479 (2003).
  37. S. Baccaro, V. Brunella, A. Cecilia, L. Costa, “Gamma irradiation of Poly (Vinyl Chloride) for medical applications”, NIMB, 208C pp. 195-198 (2003).
  38. S. Baccaro, F. Cataldo, A. Cecilia, A. Cemmi, F. Padella, A. Santini, “Interaction between reinforce carbon black and polymeric matrix for industrial applications”, NIMB, 208C pp. 191-194 (2003).
  39. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Montecchi, M. Nikl, P. Polato, G. Zanella, R. Zannoni, "Radiation damage of silicate glasses doped with Tb3+ and Eu3+"  J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 315/3, 271-275 (2003).
  40. Guorong Chen, S. Baccaro, R. Giorgi, A. Cecilia, E. Mihokova and M. Nikl, Ultraviolet transparency and activator oxidation state of Ce3+-doped phosphate glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 326-327 (2003) 339-342.
  41. Guorong Chen, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, Yongjuan Du, M. Montecchi, Jiaxiang Nie, Shan Wang and Yonghui Zhang, “Ultraviolet and visible transmission spectra of heavy germanate glasses containing Sn2+ and Ce3+“, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 326-327 (2003) 343-347.
  42. Chen Guorong, S. Baccaro, Nie Jiaxiang, Zhang Yonghui, Du Yongjuan, A. Cecilia, Wang Shan, “Optical charicterization of rare earths (C3+, Tb3+, Pr3+) doped heavy metal germanate glasses before and after irradiation”, J. Chinese Ceram. Soc., 31(7)(2003) 673-677.
  43. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, P. Polato, G. Zanella, R. Zannoni, “Radiation damage induced by γ  irradiation on Ce3+ doped phosphate and silicate scintillating glasses”, NIM A 476/3 (2002) 785-789.
  44. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, G. Chen, J. Mares, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, P. Polato, G. Zanella, R. Zannoni, “Effect of γ irradiation on optical properties of Ce3+ doped phosphate and silicate scintillating glasses”, Rad. Phys. Chem., Vol. 63/ 3-6, pp. 227-230, March 2002.
  45. G. P. Pazzi, P. Fabeni, C. Susini, M. Nikl, E. Mihokova, N. Solovieva, K. Nitsch, M. Martini, A. Vedda, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, V. Babin, “Defect states induced by UV-laser irradiation in scintillating glasses”, NIM B 191/1-4 (2002) 366-370.
  46. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, G. Chen, Y. Du, M. Montecchi, H. Wang, S. Wang, “Effects of irradiation on transmission properties of cerium doped germanate glasses in the ultraviolet and visible regions”, NIM B 191/1-4 (2002) 352-355.
  47. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, G. Chen, Y. Du, M. Montecchi, H. Wang, S. Wang, “Transmission properties of heavy germanate glasses as hosts for scintillating rare earths”, NIM A 486/1-2 (2002) 321-324.
  48. G. Chen, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Nikl, D. Yongjuan, “Irradiation damage and thermal bleaching of the scintillating phosphate glasses in the Na2O-Gd2O3-P2O5 systems”, Bulletin of the Chinese ceramic society, ISSN1001-1625 (2002).
  49. Shan Wang, Guorong Chen, Yongjuan Du, Hua Wang, Stefania Baccaro, Angelica Cecilia, “Effect of Melting Atmospheres on the Ultraviolet and Visible Transmission Spectra of Ce3+ doped Germanate Glasses”, American Society Bulletin, Vol. 81, n° 8 (2002).
  50. Guorong Chen, S. Baccaro, Yongjuan Du, Shang Wang, A. Cecilia, “Ultraviolet and visible transmitting spectra of heavy germanate glasses containing Sn2+ and Ce3+, Proc. Of 13th Intern. Symp. on Non-Oxide Glasses and New Optical Glasses, 9 C12 Sept. 2002, Pardubice, Czech Republic, Vol.1, P.239-242.
  51. Guorong Chen, S. Baccaro, M. Nikl, A. Cecilia, Yongjuan Du, E. Mihokova, K. Nitsch, “The red-shift of ultraviolet spectra of the Ce-doped alkali rare earth phosphate glasses”, Proc. Of 13th Intern. Symp. on Non-Oxide Glasses and New Optical Glasses, 9 C12 Sept. 2002, Pardubice, Czech Republic, Vol.2, P.557-560.
  52. S. Baccaro, R. Giorgi, A. Cecilia, G. Chen, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, “Absorption band-edge shift and activator oxidation state for Ce3+ scintillating phosphate glasses”, Proceeding of 19th International Congress on Glasses, Edinburgh, UK, 2001, 288-289.
  53. M. Nikl, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, P. Fabeni, M. Martini, E. Mihokova, K. Nitsch, G.P. Pazzi, A. Vedda: “Radiation Induced Color Centres In Tb3+-Doped Phosphate Scintillation Glasses”,  Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Technology And Particle Physics, Villa, Olmo, Como, Italy 15 – 19 October 2001, In: ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, Edited by M. Barone, E. Borchi, J. Huston, C. Leroy, P.G. Rancoita, P. Riboni, R. Ruchti, World Scientific Publishing, pp. 811-818. ISBN 981-238-180-5.
  54. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, G, Chen, M. Nikl, P. Polato, G. Zannella, R. Zannoni, "Sensitisation of emission efficiency in Tb-doped silicate scintillation glasses", EUROMAT 2001, Conference Proceedings, Rimini, 10-14 July 2001.
  55. S. Baccaro, B. Borgia, M. Castellani, A. Cecilia, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, E. Longo, M. Montecchi, G. Organtini, F. Pellegrino, S. Guerra, “An automatic device for the quality control of large-scale crystal’s production”, NIMA 459 (2001) 278-284.
  56. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, G. Chen, Y. Du, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, “Effect of cerium on Irradiation Resistance”, American Ceramic Society Bullettin, Vol. 80, No. 4, 107-110 (2001).
  57. M. Kobayashi, Y. Usuki, M. Ishii, N. Seguttuvan, K. Tanjii, M. Chiba, K. Hara, H. Tanako, M. Nikl, P. Bohaceck, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Diemoz, A. Vedda, M. Martini, “Scintillation characteristics of PbWO4 single crystals doped with Th, Zr, Ce, Sb and Mn ions”, NIMA 465 (2001) 428-439.
  58. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, A. Cemmi, G. Chen, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, “Optical characterisation under irradiation of Ce3+ (Tb3+)-doped phosphate scintillating glasses”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Science, Vol. 48, NO3, 2001.
  59. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, A. Cemmi, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, P. Polato, G. Zanella, R. Zannoni, “Colour centres induced by γ irradiation in scintillating glassy matrices for middle and low energy physics experiments”, NIMB 185/1-4 (2001) 294-298.
  60. M. Nikl, P. Bohacek, E. Mihokova, J. Rosa, M. Martini, A. Vedda, P. Fabeni, G. P. Pazzi, V. Laguta, M. Kobayashi, M. Ishii, Y. Usuki, D. Zimmermann, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, “The doping of PbWO4 in shaping its scintillator characteristics”, Radiation Measurements 33 (2001) 705-708.
  61. S. Baccaro, P. Bohacek, A. Cecilia, M. Montecchi, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, “Effect of La doping on Calcium Tungstate (CaWO4) crystals radiation hardness”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 178, 799 (2000).
  62. S. Baccaro, P. Bohacek, A. Cecilia, A. Cemmi, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, P. Fabeni, M. Ishii, M. Kobayashi, M. Martini, M. Montecchi, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, G. Organtini, G.P. Pazzi, Y. Usuki, A. Vedda “Influence of Gd3+ concentration on PbWO4:Gd3+ scintillation characteristic”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a).179, 445-454 (2000).
  63. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, R. Dall'Igna, M. Martini,, J. A. Mares, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, P. Polato, A. Vedda, G. Zanella, R. Zannoni, “Radiation damage of Ce3+ (Tb3+)-doped phosphate and oxide scintillating glasses”, Proc. Of “Int. Conf. Of Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications”, Moscow, August 16-20, 1999, p. 352 (2000).
  64. I. Dafinei, F. Cavallari, A. Cecilia, M. Diemoz, S. Guerra, E. Longo, G.Organtini,F. Pellegrino, S. Baccaro, M. Montecchi, “Measuring Technique for a large scale production of PWO scontillators”, Proc. Of “Int. Conf. Of Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications”, Moscow, August 16-20, 1999, p. 346 (2000).
  65. M. Kobayashi, Y. Usuki, M. Ishii, N. Senguttuvan, K. Tanji, M. Chiba, K. Hara, H. Takano, M. Nikl, P. Bohaceck, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Diemoz, A. Vedda, M. Martini, “Radiation hardness of doped PbWO4, Proc. Of “Int. Conf. Of Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications”, Moscow, August 16-20, 1999, p. 137 (2000).
  66. S. Baccaro, P. Bohacek, A. Cecilia, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, P. Fabeni, M. Ishii, M. Kobayashi, M. Martini, E. Mihokova, M. Nikl, G. P. Pazzi, J. Rosa, Y. Usuki, A. Vedda, "The influence of defect states on scintillation characterictics of PbWO4" , 1999, Rad. Eff. Def. in Sol., Vol. 150, pp. 15-19.
  67. S. Baccaro, P. Bohacek, A. Cecilia, M. Nikl, J. Novak, Z. Malkova, B. Trunda, J. Rysavy, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, K. Jurek, "Congruent composition of PbWO4 single crystals", J. Electrical Engineering, VOL. 50, NO 2/s, 1999, 38-40.
  68. M. Kobayashi, Y. Usuki, M. Ishii, N. Seguttuvan, K. Tanji, M. Chiba, K. Hara, H. Takano, M. Nikl, P. Bohaceck, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Diemoz, “Significant improvement of PbWO4 Scintillating Crystals by Doping with Trivalent ions”, NIMA 434 (1999) 412-423.
  69. S. Baccaro, B. Borgia, A. Cecilia, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, P. Fabeni, M. Nikl, M. Martini, M. Montecchi, G. Pazzi, G. Spinolo, A. Vedda “Investigation of lead tungstate (PbWO4) crystal properties” Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 61B (1998) 66-70.
  70. S. Baccaro, B. Borgia, A. Cecilia, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, M. Nikl, M. Montecchi, “Lead Tungstate (PbWO4 ) scintillators for LHC EM-Calorimetry ”, Radiat. Phys. Chem. Vol. 52, Nos 1 6, pp 635 638, 1998.
  71. E. Auffray, P. Lecoq, M. Korzhick, A. Annenkov, O. Jarolimek, M. Nikl, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Diemoz, I. Dafinei, ''Improvement of several properties of lead tungstate crystals with different doping ions'', NIMA 402 (1998) 75-84.
  72. S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Montecchi, T. Malatesta, F. De Notaristefani, S. Torrioli, F. Vittori "Refractive index and absorption length of YAP:Ce scintillation crystal and reflectance of the coating using in YAP:Ce3+ single-crystal matrix", NIMA 406 (1998) 479-485.
  73. M. Kobayashi, Y. Usuki, M. Ishii, T. Yazawa, K. Hara, M. Tanaka, M. Nikl, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Diemoz, I. Dafinei, “Improvement in radiation hardness of PbWO4 scintillating crystals by La-doping”, NIMA 404 (1998) 149-156.
  74. Baccaro S., Bohacek P., Cecilia A., Dafinei I., Diemoz M., Fabeni P., Ishii M., Kobayashi M., Laguta V.V., Martini M., Meinardi F., Mihokova E., Montecchi M., Nikl M., Organtini G., Pazzi G.P., Rosa J., Usuki Y., Vedda A., Zaritskii M.I., " The influence of defect states on scintillation characteristics of PbWO4", Proceedings of "Lead Tungstate Workshop", 129-137, Roma 12-14 Ottobre, 1998.
  75. Baccaro S., Bohacek P., Cecilia A., Dafinei I., Diemoz M., Ishii M., Kobayashi M., Montecchi M., Nikl M., Nitsch K., Martini M., Usuki Y., Vedda A., " Effect of doping on the radiation hardness of  PbWO4 crystals '', Proceedings of "Lead Tungstate Workshop", 177-181, Roma 12-14 Ottobre, 1998.
  76.  Baccaro S., Bohacek P., Cecilia A., Nikl M., Novak J., Malkova Z., Trunda B., Rysavy J., Dafinei I., Diemoz M., Jurek K., " Stoichiometry and radiation damage of PWO crystals grown from melts of different composition", Proceedings of "Lead Tungstate Workshop", 57-60, Roma 12-14 Ottobre, 1998.
  77.  M. Kobayashi, Y. Usuki, M. Ishii, T. Yazawa, K. Hara, M. Tanaka, M. Nikl, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Diemoz, I. Dafinei, "Improvement in Scintillation Characteristics of PbWO4  Scintillating Crystals by La-doping", Proceedings of SCINT97, 167-170, Shangai (People’s Republic of China) Sept. 22-25, 1997.
  78.  S. Baccaro, P. Bohacek, B. Borgia, A. Cecilia, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, M. Ishii, M. Kobayashi, M. Martini, M. Montecchi, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, G. Spinolo, Y. Usuki, A. Vedda, “Radiation hardness characteristics of PbWO4 single crystals”, Proceedings of SCINT97, 203-206, Shanghai (People’s Republic of China) Sept. 22-25, 1997.
  79.  S. Baccaro, B. Borgia, F. Cavallari, A. Cecilia, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, E. Longo, M. Montecchi, G. Organtini, S. Salvatori “Colour centres production in PbWO4 crystals by UV light exposure”, Proceedings of SCINT97, 219-222, Shangai (People’s Republic of China) Sept. 22-25, 1997.
  80.  S. Baccaro, B. Borgia, F. Cavallari, A. Cecilia, M. Diemoz, A. Festinesi, E. Leonardi, A. Lobko, E. Longo, M. Montecchi, G. Organtini, B. Rapone, “Influence of  Vacuum Annealing on Properties of PbWO4 Crystals”,  Journal of Luminescence 72-74 (1997) 748-750.
  81.  M. Nikl, J. Rosa, K. Nitsch, H. R. Asatryan, S. Baccaro, A. Cecilia, M. Montecchi, B. Borgia, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, P. Lecoq, “Optical and EPR study of point defects in PbWO4 single crystal”, Material Science Forum 239-241, 271 (1997).
  82.  S. Baccaro, B. Borgia, A. Cecilia, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, M. Ishii, O. Jarolimek, M. Kobayashi, M. Martini, M. Montecchi, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, E. Rosetta, G. Spinolo, R. Uecker, Y. Usuki, A. Vedda, “Radiation induced formation of colour centres in PbWO4 single crystal” J. of Applied Physics, 82 (11), 5758-5762, 1 December 1997.
  83.  S. Baccaro, P. Bohacek, B. Borgia, A. Cecilia, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, M. Ishii, O. Jarolimek, M. Kobayashi, M. Martini, M. Montecchi, M. Nikl, K. NitsSpinolo, Y. Usuki, A. Vedda, “Influence of La3+ doping on radiation hardness and thermoluminescence characteristics of PbWO4” Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 160, R5-R6 (1997).
  84.  S. Baccaro, P. Bohacek, B. Borgia, A. Cecilia, S. Croci, I. Dafinei, M. Diemoz, P. Fabeni, M. Ishii, M. Kobayashi, M. Martini, M. Montecchi, M. Nikl, K. Nitsch, G. Organtini, G.P. Pazzi, Y. Usuki, A. Vedda, "Radiation Damage and Thermoluminescence of Gd-Doped PbWO4'', Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 164, R9 (1997).
Contribution to Monographs
  1. Angelica Cecilia “Single Crystals for direct and indirect detectors”, Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 2012
Annual Reports and Annual Highlights (co-editor)
  1. Contributions to the ANKA Annual Reports since 2010